March 14, 2025

Letter from the Owner – April 2021

Everything is changing more and more and in my opinion, well, not for
the good. So as I sit in my office and compose this letter keep in mind
it is currently mid-March.

Here in Michigan we are only half open or half closed, depending on how you want to look at that. I have been to Florida about 4 times in the last couple months, one of those was for work and the others to get away from the cold and chaos that feels like our state has
become. I know the majority of the people out there that I talk to feel the same way as I do, but to be careful to not step on any toes and squash any snowflakes I will not say too much more other than…gosh it sure was nice seeing the businesses fully open in Florida, the sun and people smiling! I can only hope that will be our state sooner than later.

As I worked on this month’s issue it was so nice to see the events coming in and the ads for places that I hope to soon visit. The weather is warming up and the bikes are starting to get out more and more each day as spring arrives. Make sure as “Red” said in her Veteran’s Corner article that you service your bikes before that first ride!

I am running a sale on Thunderwear (lol what I like to call Thunder Roads Merchandise), so please check out that ad in this issue! With most events cancelled last year we all could use the support so be sure to patronize the businesses listed in this issue. We have to look out for each other because I am not sure anyone else is at this point.

Stay Strong! Respect one another’s differences. Just because we do not agree doesn’t entitle any of us to demand they be muted. We all have the right to speak our minds. Our veterans fought for us so we could be free. Let’s try to remember that during these challenging times.

Don’t miss a single issue of Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan, subscribe today for only $20 (6 issues) at or mail check / money order to PO Box 1782 in Midland, MI 48641-1782.
We still have a few 2020 Thunder Roads Michigan Wall Calendars available NOW ON SALE and with FREE SHIPPING as well, which you can also order at proceeds help to support Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan.

If you have a cool bike or car or would like to be considered as one of the models for the 2021-22 18 month wall calendar be sure to contact me via email by submitting a photo. Stay tuned as I hope to release that calendar early this summer.

Now for some “Mo” Advice:
Don’t slam doors. You never know when you might want to go back.

Jody Mohowitsch
“Jody Mo”