October 15, 2024

Letter From The Owners – October 2024

The “Dog days of summer” has been a saying for waaaay longer than most of us may know, and its origin and expression can now be a point of view vs just the “hottest days of the year”.   It can be used to describe the hottest time of the summer or the temperature and climate of the days we live in… but we won’t get into that.  Now that it’s past Labor Day, let’s just keep it simple and agree that here in Michigan we’ve had our summer and now it’s time to wave goodbye.  And although we had some very nice temperatures in September, summer should get a speeding ticket.  Still, there is that one buddy of ours that keeps reminding us that “this is their favorite riding time of the year”.  Yeah, some don’t like it hot and find the cooler temps more comfortable.  Usually, it’s the big or hairy buddy and sometimes he’s both- lol.  You probably know a guy too.  He probably drinks pumpkin spice coffee when nobody is looking!  😉   

Yeah, summer has pasted bye, but there’s still time to get out there and keep our tails waggin’ a little longer.  Get out there and enjoy as many color tours on your bike as you can.  Don’t put your bike away yet… get them miles on!  Put that last inch possible on those tires you have to change after this season. 
Aly and I have worked like dogs all summer and we can’t wait to hit the road this month together.    We’ll probably keep our eyes open for any group rides for color tours and most likely do some of our own.  If you have one you are working on putting together or plan to go on, please share it with us and we’ll help get the word out and hopefully we’ll get the chance to join you.

Ever notice how many sayings involve the mention of dogs?!   Here are only a few, but we found there are way more of them than we knew of.

  • Dog eat dog.
  • Dog in the manger.  
  • Let sleeping dogs lie.  
  • Like a dog with two tails.  
  • Bark up the wrong tree.  
  • Three dog night. 
  • Work like a dog.  

Aly, I think we may need a dog!