Things are off and running in the motorcycle world! We cannot believe how many bike blessings have popped up in the last couple of years. It’s crazy how many there actually are, but it’s nice to see that there are a lot of riders out there that are hungry for motorcycle events in or near their location. With that being said, we tried to be aware and share as many as we could find. We do our best in our online and social media searches, but I know we missed a few. So, here is a reminder, that if you would like to have your event listed for free in Thunder Roads® Michigan Magazine you must email us the information in time or tag us in it. We are more than happy to add you in and help get the word out! That goes for our Readers Rides each month also. Send them in!
With May being Motorcycle Awareness month, let’s do our part as riders and make sure we are not putting our lives completely in the hands of others. Ride safe. Ride smart. Ride defensively and always looking around you at the “what ifs.” If you think or feel in your gut that the person coming at you, at the stop sign, or the light isn’t seeing you… be ready. Ride your ride, but don’t put yourself in harm’s way and become part of a statistic. We are more than that to our friends, family, and all who love us. Help improve your chances of coming back home from a day of freedom.
Bike nights are back! There have been some “kick-off” events that have already happened in April and May is exploding with more bike nights and blessings every day. Well, with that being said we’ll see you out and about this summer as we do our best to support all our advertisers and organizations that support us. Yes, and those that don’t …lol. We’ll take this opportunity to thank our advertisers that make all of this possible. Thank you again for helping keep Thunder Roads® Michigan Magazine FREE to our readers and helping us grow our reach all over our beautiful state of Michigan!!
See you in Baldwin!!