March 15, 2025

From the Owner – June 2020

The Unknown

As I sit in my office on this rainy, mid-May writing this letter I am in a place of the unknown. It is always hard to write ahead when working on the magazine each month, but this month it is even more difficult. We are supposed to be released by the end of the month from our Stay Home, Stay Safe order, but who knows. Our governor has extended it so many times that no one can really be sure. So many things are left in the unknown and completely up in the air. Events are not sure if they will be able to still be held, bike nights are left as an unknown unless the bars and restaurants are able to open back up. I find that most people I talk to are devastated by all of this and are left hurting financially, mentally exhausted and pretty much fed up with this order. Whenever it does go back to our new normal, it will be just that… a new normal. We all can be certain that this has changed our world and the people in it for the good and bad. I hope everyone is reaching out to friends and family at this point and trying to have some fun and live life as fully as possible during these trying times. Please help each other. Please support the advertisers you see in this issue that are still paying for ads and hoping that June brings back life in their businesses. Without them I would not be able to still publish this magazine for you to enjoy so please be sure to patronize these wonderful people and places.

Don’t miss a single issue and subscribe for only $20 (6 issues) today at or mail check / money order to PO Box 1782 in Midland to your left on this page, be sure to include item name and phone number in case there are any questions or I can’t read your writing.

We still have 2020 Thunder Roads Michigan Wall Calendars available NOW ON SALE and with FREE SHIPPING as well, which you can also order at proceeds help to support Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan.

Looking forward to the 2020 riding season and seeing all of you out and about at the events! Don’t forget if you have an event to email the details to at least one month prior to be listed in the event calendar. We also offer charity discounts as well, just contact us and we can help you make to make your event a success!

Now for some “Mo” Advice:
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference.