March 16, 2025

From the Owner – July 2020

Find Gratitude

During times like this we have to decide whether we are going to buy into all the fear, frustration and political propaganda going on in the world today or are we going to choose to step back and look at the positive side and be grateful for our family, friends and what we do have.  I live in the small town of Midland and our city and surrounding cities recently went through additional devastation with 2 major dams breaching causing catastrophic damage to homes, boats, etc and leaving both Sanford and Wixom lake now empty.  One thing I noticed as we were all panicking and bracing for the unknown is no one was thinking about social distancing, wearing a mask or anything regarding Covid-19.  We were coming together to help one another prepare and then afterwards helping clean up.  I heard countless stories of people volunteering to help friends, family, businesses and even strangers clean up.  In this month’s Thunder Cam there are 2 photos of a young boy that wanted to help the people of Sanford that were hit by collecting cans to raise money for them.  I donated 4 bags and he filled nearly 2 semis I heard.  My heart breaks for those that lost their homes and belongings and are now left with a mortgage but no coverage from insurance.  Can you imagine if that was you? Please keep an eye on my Facebook page for upcoming opportunities to help.  Bikers are the most charitable group of people and I am so grateful that my home was not affected as many others were. 

Please don’t forget to continue to reach out to friends and family that may still be struggling during these difficult times. Please help each other.  Please support the advertisers you see in this issue that are still paying for ads and hoping that July brings back life in their businesses.  Without them I would not be able to still publish this magazine for you to enjoy so please be sure to patronize these wonderful people and places. 

Don’t miss a single issue and subscribe for only $20 (6 issues) today at or mail check / money order to PO Box 1782 in Midland to your left on this page, be sure to include item name and phone number in case there are any questions or I can’t read your writing.    

We still have 2020 Thunder Roads Michigan Wall Calendars available NOW ON SALE and with FREE SHIPPING as well, which you can also order at proceeds help to support Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan

Looking forward to the 2020 riding season and seeing all of you out and about at the events!  Don’t forget if you have an event to email the details to at least one month prior to be listed in the event calendar.  We also offer charity discounts as well, just contact us and we can help you make to make your event a success!