March 14, 2025

Letter from the Owner – June 2021

Hello Summer!

The warmer weather is finally here to stay for a while.  I love summers in Michigan.  There is always something to do and usually there’s multiple things going on and you have to decide which one you are going to partake in.  Also, it makes me so happy to finally see the mask mandate lifting.  I was starting to wonder if we were going to have to always wear them from here on out, which some places like airplanes may continue, but I hope not.  Anyways, be sure to check out the events calendar to see what’s happening in our great state.  Also, a couple of new features this month that I hope you enjoy. 

And…. The 2021-2022 16 month Thunder Roads Wall Calendars are going to be available very soon!  I have only a couple more photo shoots left to do and then it’s off to print.  I am so proud of the 2020 calendar and really felt it was a classy sexy representation of beautiful ladies, but this next one… holy moly… seriously!  Amazing!!!  They will sell for the same cost of $20 as the 12 mth calendar did, but you get bonus months September 2021 thru December 2021 as an extra to kick the year off for 2022. This money helps support the free publication you love… Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan!  I will be posting on Facebook and Instagram when they are available so be sure to follow both:  Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan on Facebook and Instagram is; JodyMoThunderRoadsMI

Don’t miss a single issue of Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan, subscribe today for only $20 (6 issues) at or mail check / money order to PO Box 1782 in Midland, MI 48641-1782.

Thank you to my advertisers, loyal and new and to you the readers for making Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan the #1 free Motorcycle Magazine. 

Now for some “Mo” Advice:
Never assume. Never assume someone knows how you feel. Never assume you know what someone else is thinking. Never assume you know anything until you do.