October 21, 2024

Letter from the Owner – July 2021

Happy 4th of July!

It is so nice to see people’s faces!!  Finally, seeing less and less mask covered people.  This brings a smile to my face.  It really makes you appreciate “normal” whatever that is.  I am deeply sorry to anyone that has lost someone due to Covid or any other reason.  There was a lady I called Agnes my angel that I recently found out passed away due to Covid.  She was such a beautiful person.  It was years ago when I was looking for a place to rent (was in a rush to get in somewhere because I was basically going to be homeless- bad break-up, lesson learned there) and she had a cute little house available.  She was the only person that didn’t require a timely background check, etc.  I was in tears telling her what I was going through at the time and I remember her handing me the keys and telling me, “Go get your shit”!  She was such a cool lady.  She will be missed.  When you think about how certain people have impacted you and your life also think about how You may have done the same!  If you are not, then I believe you may not be living up to your true potential and giving your best version of yourself in this life and to others.  That is my mission in life to affect people in a positive way.  To live life to the fullest.  I hope that people can say that I have helped them and truly made a difference in their life, in even a little way.  Like Agnes my angel did for me many years ago.  Like in the movie, Shawshank Redemption Morgan Freeman says, “Get to Livin’ or Get to Dyin’”.

I am very excited to announce that the September 2021- December 2022 16 month Thunder Roads Wall Calendars are finally here!  I have been working on this for over a year.  I am very proud of how awesome it turned out and I hope that you will purchase yours to help support this free publication that you love reading April thru September each year.  Plus… thanks to my friend Troy who suggested I offer a Jody Mo wall poster, those will be available for the first time EVER!  My photographer Rob captured some great images during my shoot and I (as critical as I can be about myself sometimes) actually liked several pictures so for a limited time until they sell out you can get a poster with the purchase of a wall calendar if you order at: ThunderRoadsMichigan.com Because I am including the poster and free shipping the cost is $25, but look at all you are getting for that!  Pretty cool, plus it helps support this publication.  I also hope to see you all on Saturday, July 17th (see full page ad this issue) at the VIP Calendar Event.  Be sure to RSVP via either Facebook or email (see all the details on the ad in this issue). I appreciate my loyal advertisers and readers support, thanks to you, Thunder Roads Magazine is the #1 Free motorcycle magazine in the state.  Please like Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan on Facebook and follow me on Instagram; JodyMoThunderRoadsMI

Don’t miss a single issue of Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan, subscribe today for only $20 (6 issues) at ThunderRoadsMichigan.com or mail check / money order to PO Box 1782 in Midland, MI 48641-1782.

Now for some “Mo” Advice:Don’t make promises you can’t keep.  Don’t say you will when you know you won’t.  Don’t think you can’t when you know you can.  Don’t ever bite the hand that feeds you especially when they didn’t deserve it.