In the Heat of it ~ August in Michigan
I love August in Michigan because we usually have a lot more hot and sunny days, which allows us to take full advantage of all our state has to offer. You’re not going to want to miss out on this month’s festivities, so make sure to check out the events calendar to see what fun things are happening in Michigan this August.
Have you ever noticed how cheap junk food is and how much more expensive healthy food is? That’s kind of like life in many ways! It’s actually easier to just ignore people, not say hi, etc which is in comparison is like crappy junk food. It’s harder to put a smile on your face when you’re going through struggles, or in comparison work out vs. lying on the couch. It’s harder to be kind when you’d rather tell someone where to stick it. A goofy comparison I realize, but there’s some truth to it. How does the healthy food make you feel and how does being kind make you feel? Then ask yourself, is it worth it? I believe it feels much better to be the kind of person that even if you yourself may be going through hell you’ll extend yourself to make someone’s day, because you feel like you helped them when you yourself know you’re experiencing your own hardships and struggles. To help others and to be kind to someone is life altering. Think about it… it’s a domino effect. You were rude or mean to someone, which makes them angry, so they become rude and mean to someone else, etc or you smile and say something kind, which makes them feel good and so they in turn do the same to someone else they encounter. Being the kind of person that puts a smile on someone’s face is way better than being the person that creates tears and sadness. Keep living life in this kind of way because I believe Karma is a bitch to those that don’t.
Have you ordered your September 2021- December 2022 16-month Thunder Roads Wall Calendars yet? I hope that you will purchase yours to help support this free publication that you love reading April thru September each year.
I appreciate my loyal advertisers and readers support, thanks to you, Thunder Roads Magazine is the #1 Free motorcycle magazine in the state. Please like Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan on Facebook and follow me on Instagram; JodyMoThunderRoadsMI
Don’t miss a single issue of Thunder Roads Magazine of Michigan, subscribe today for only $20 (6 issues) at or mail check / money order to PO Box 1782 in Midland, MI 48641-1782.
Now for some “Mo” Advice:
When u share your pain, it gets cut in half. When you share your joy, it doubles.