February 8, 2025

Letter From The Owners – July 2023

Letter From The Owner
Feeling the love..

So, I have this thing that I say a lot and I don’t even know where I got it from, but I’ve been saying it for years. Probably from decades of sales and management positions I’ve held in previous jobs. Who knows. It just seems to roll off the tongue as a quick way to break the ice. It’s more of a question than a statement. Typically, when you meet someone new it is usually a race to ask how the other is doing. It’s the same if you approach them or they approach you. Or, they’ll say “it’s nice to meet you” as you exchange names over a handshake. That’s a whole other response up my sleeve for another time – lol. Then, it’s the question of are you the boss? Or, are you the owner? Here it is, ready?! Me, “Depends if you have a complaint or a compliment! Oof – dad jokes and phrases. I’m getting old. Most of the time when you’re asked that question you are preparing yourself for an earful. Except lately, when I say it, I feel a bit more confident than I did in the past.

Over the last few months Aly and I have been showered with the graces and positivity of the readers, followers, and advertisers of Thunder Roads® Michigan Magazine. Although our confidence level is not quite at 100% quite yet, we both greatly appreciate all the positive feedback and kind words. There is no question we’ve been hitting it hard knowing failure is not an option for us. We have put ourselves out there with the throttle wide open to cover as much ground as we possibly can and that isn’t going to change any time soon. Six months feels like a year right now and we’re just getting started. We really want to say THANK YOU to all of you that have stuck with us and to everyone that is giving us a chance to prove ourselves as the new owners. We are so grateful for all the help and support!

Now that we are halfway through our first year, we are finally finding our groove and we are growing! We are already talking about the upcoming year and how excited we are to see what’s possible for us. Yes, we are burning it at both ends and there are some unknowns but were not letting that slow us down. We’ll continue to work our way around them or go right through them if necessary.

If you are interested in joining Michigan’s #1 and longest running Motorcycle Magazine, we’d love to talk with you! We are looking for the best people to manage accounts and territories and most importantly have some fun while doing it! If your word means something to you and you are looking for something full-time or part-time, we have positions available. You can run the Michigan Thunder Roads or you can work from home. Please contact us via email at editor@thunderroadsmichigan.com or contact us through our website at www.thunderroadsmichigan.com. Share your job experiences with us and let us know what your interests are. You can even direct message us on our Facebook page.
Thank you for all the love and support!
~ RJ & Aly